Digital Transformation Is Changing How Organizations Conduct Business

Enterprises everywhere are pursuing digital business transformation as a necessary requirement to stay competitive in today’s business landscape.

One of today’s most important business trends is the digital transformation (DX) of the enterprise.

IDC defines digital transformation as a set of practices and disciplines used to leverage new business, technology and operating models to disrupt businesses, customers, and markets in pursuit of business performance and growth. The application of 3rd platform-related technologies including cloud computing is foundational to achieving these outcomes. Enterprises today are pursuing digital transformation to improve customer experience, reduce costs, better weather business disruption, and create competitive advantages.

Digital transformation is about more than just technology adoption. Rather, it is the comprehensive scrutiny and reinvention of business models, processes, approaches to service, employee enablement, and even product offerings. All to create and take wholesale advantage of a fully digital and technology-enabled business lifecycle.